Guest Post - 11 Money & Life Fundamentals Every Teenager Must Learn!
Guest Post - 11 Money & Life Fundamentals Every Teenager Must Learn! Growing up you may face numerous challenges as a teenager, and you may also learn quite a few things along the way! I get that there’s already enough on your plate, right from trying to balance a social life with education, to accepting responsibilities and at the same time, also trying to figure out yourself and what you want from life. It gets hectic and money is probably the last thing you are thinking or even talking about. But as much as we hate it or do not want to accept it, money plays a very crucial role in our lives and yet we choose to ignore this important subject. But keep in mind, this subject will never ignore you. At some point in your life, it will surely come looking for you and catch you off guard. And at that point in your life, money will control you if you haven’t learned to control it and I’m sure you don’t want that to happen! As a personal finance advocate, I always tell people o