4 Easy Ways to Lower Your Car Insurance Premium

4 Easy Ways to Lower Your Car Insurance Premium Do you find yourself sometimes wondering why your car insurance premium seems to be so high even though you have never had a speeding ticket or a major accident? You are not alone! Although it is known that your car insurance premium is based on many factors – your age, gender and driving experience – there are actually many ways to lower your car insurance premium quickly if you have a quick moment to spare. Trust me; by taking only a couple of minutes out of your day, you can save a lot of money every month that you could put towards your savings and investing. Here are a couple of ways that you can lower your car insurance premium immediately: 1.) Increasing your Car Insurance Deductible Before delving into the benefit of a higher car insurance deductible, we must first define it. As an example, you are in a car accident where you end up damaging your front bumper. You get towed to the mechanic shop and they tell you it w...